TWB receives the visit of Mr Pierre COHEN, Mayor of Toulouse – 2 March 2013
On 2 March 2013, TWB received the visit of Mr Pierre COHEN, Mayor of Toulouse and Chairman of the Toulouse Métropole urban authority. Toulouse Métropole has always strongly supported TWB, and took on the refurbishment of TWB’s existing premises as part of a business incubator-type housing agreement
INRA President François HOUILLER visits TWB – 21 February 2013
On 21 February, INRA President François Houllier came to visit TWB. Pierre Monsan also presented the pre-industrial demonstrator’s activities in the presence of the executive cell, TWB’s platform managers, the director and numerous LISBP team leaders.
Sicoval names Pierre Monsan 2012 Personality of the Year
The Sicoval conurbation council has named Pierre Monsan Agrobiosciences 2012 Personality of the Year in the presence of Minister Kader Arif (Pierre Monsan Award).