New Partners 2018 & New President
During the meeting of its Strategic Steering Committee (SSC) on 15 & 16 March, 2018, TWB welcomed 3 new industrial partners who joined the consortium on 1 January of the year: BRASKEM, IFPEN, MILLIDROP.

From left to right: Antoine Margeot: IFPEN / Iuri Gouvea: BRASKEM / Jean-Claude Lumaret: COS President (Carbios) / Nicolas Seeboth: COS Vice-president (Michelin) / Laurent Boitard: MILLIDROP / Pierre Monsan : TWB Director
The consortium is now composed of 46 private and public partners (8 large companies, 1 mid-cap company, 8 small and medium companies, 13 very small companies, 7 investors and valorisation structures, 9 public partners). The companies operate in different fields: Agro-industry / Chemicals (materials and products) / Equipment / Biotechnology solutions / Flavors and Cosmetics / Energy and Pharmacy.
The new President as well as the Vice-Presidents were elected for a three-year term:
Jean-Claude Lumaret (Carbios), President
Monique Axelos (INRA), Vice-President
Nicolas Seeboth (Michelin), Vice-President.
During the SSC meeting, the partners chose the research projects (pre-competitive projects) which will be self-financed by TWB in 2018. 4 projects were selected among the 10 submitted following the call for projects. The objective of these research projects is to generate technological innovations which could be economically attractive.